Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Ask me how happy I am

I'm not having any fun at all! This has been awful! No good dog like me should have to endure this!

It all started a while back when Mom noticed a bump on my left hind leg. It was tiny and Mom and Dad told me not to worry about it. But then it got bigger and Mom started to take pictures of my ass.... er...my leg. Then Dad got sick and Mom forgot about my bump. After Dad left us, Mom zeroed in on me like an A10 Warthog flying a mission. I knew that I was in trouble. 

Yesterday, we got up early and Mom suckered me by offering to take me for a ride. Yeah, Mom, I'll remember it for a long time. Early morning rides with no mention of the dump? I'll pass. She left me at the vet's office and the vet did horrible, terrible, hurtful things to me! 

I was sooooo glad to see Mom when she came to retrieve me that I forgave her everything. Home never looked so good! I forgot how bad my leg hurt and how wimpy I felt and ran inside and jumped right up on the bed. It hurt a bit, but my spot is my spot is my spot. I needed my spot. I didn't need that pain pill Mom gave me.

Never trust a vet. That pill messed with my mind. I cried and panted and shook for hours, and Mom held me the entire time. I even threw up once and she didn't scold me at all. Mom promised she wouldn't give me those pills again. I'll get baby aspirin even if they might not work as good for pain. At least they will not make me see horrible visions that aren't real. 

Mom says the worst is over now. My breathing has cleared up and I'm not wheezing. Mom said I had to clear the gas from my lungs. Ya think? Mom also says she won't do this to me again unless there is absolutely no other choice. 

I know Mom had to do it. She only wants what is best for me. She cried, too, and I'm sorry for that since Dad's not here. Dad would have made it all better.

It's time for me to be strong for Mom and get over it. My leg will heal, and in a couple of days everything will be fine. My surgery will be a thing of the past and we can get on with summer. I might even have a scar, not that anyone except me and Mom will know it's there. 

And I know Mom won't forget her promise to me. 

Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, Deuce's Day, A10 warthog, black Labrador Retriever, dog surgery, good dogs, bad vets, country lifestyle, rural living, dog with a blog

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Mom's muttering to herself again

Don't get me wrong. I like it when Mom talks to me, especially when she uses a lot of words I know. I get the gist of it and it's okay because I'm almost never in trouble when she talks to me. I'm Deuce. I'm a good dog. But Mom isn't talking - she's muttering.

Her favorite expression these days is something like "what the f*ck now!" She mutters that every time I bark to let her know a critter is in the yard, which is multiple times a day. Yesterday she even told me to shut up! I was surprised at that but I shouldn't have been. She was napping and if I'd have been paying proper attention I would have realized that. But a stray cat in MY yard? No way can I keep quiet about that! 

I suspect Mom will be muttering about all kinds of things. She's working in her garden space again. It's time to fill the buckets and growbags and it's hard work. If she does like she did last year, she won't start actually talking to me until the plants are growing. That's when she relaxes in the garden chair and I can have a lie-down beside her. Right now, I have to keep out of her way as I keep an eye on her. I'm moving around a lot. 

Being in Mom's garden with her will be pretty cool. We'll have lots of talks, but some of them might be a little sad. Dad sat in the garden with us last summer. We'll miss him doing that. 

Maybe it's okay if Mom mutters a little bit. 

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, dogs, country lifestyle, rural living, muttering, gardens, cats, life after loss, napping

Thursday, April 4, 2024

We're sad

My Dad isn't coming home. He couldn't stay with us any longer. He was just too sick and he had to go ahead of us. I'm doing my best to console Mom, but it's hard because I can't talk. All I can do is stick close to her side so she can touch me. That makes me feel good, too. 

It's really hard on Mom. Dogs understand more than people think, and we know that one day we'll be back together. I'll probably cross the bridge before Mom, which will be really, really hard but I can't help it. It's the way of things. 

Dad taught me and Mom a lot of stuff. We remember all of it, or at least I do. I guess Mom knows even more because she knew him for a long time before I was born. Dad was always kind to me. He gave me biscuits when I hadn't done a thing to earn one. I got them just for being me and that's a special kind of love. 

I'll miss Dad every day until I see him again, but I have an important job now. It's up to me to take care of Mom. I can do it because Dad taught me how. 

I'll never forget you, Daddy. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

I impressed my vet!

Mom and I have had a time of it this past month. Dad was in the hospital and poor little Deucie had to spend some time alone. I did not like this. Now Dad is in for some needed rehab and I'm still being left alone! But Mom has a plan!

Mom tries to make it up to me every evening. I get treats. I get brushed. Mom feels guilty she has to leave me alone but I know she has to keep watch over Dad to make sure he's getting what he needs. 

As luck would have it, my annual checkup was this morning. I was born in January, so my checkups happen in March. I have a new vet and I think I like her. She scratched my belly so maybe I'm in love! 

I checked out A-Okay! Ears, eyes, teeth = all good. She used a flea comb on me and didn't find a single "hitchhiker." That's because I do not have fleas. If I had fleas I couldn't sleep on the bed with Mom, so I do not have fleas! 

The vet said I weighed ninety-three pounds and then she felt my sides and was impressed by my muscles. She should be. I'm an athlete! Just ask the local deer have fast I can run. Mom told her that walking season is here so those extra three pounds will go away, but the vet said not to worry. I'm a tall country boy with lots of muscles so it's okay if I'm a bit over the breed standard weight. My vet has some common sense! She knows it's almost walking season and I'll lose those pesky winter pounds.

My new vet also signed a paper to certify I've had all my shots and I'm healthy. That piece of paper will get me in to see Dad and that's a good thing! I miss Dad and Mom says he misses me, too. So Mom will take me to see him and he'll be home before we know it. I can't wait! 

After all, Dad spoils me with more biscuits than Mom does. 

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, Lab dogs, country dogs, vet visits, rural living, good dogs, dog biscuits, breed standards, hospitals, rehabs

Sunday, February 11, 2024

It's about time I'm showcased!

 Finally! Mom took the videos off the trail cams, and I'm a star! Well, I'm always a star, but you know. Now the camera proves it! 

I have to give Mom a bit of a pass. Not much, mind you. Dad's been sick and she's had her paws...er...hands full taking care of him. I sure hope he gets better soon because I miss our afternoon trips to the mailbox. Anyway...

Mom and I went to get those little blue thingees out of the trail cams. Mom calls them SD cards, so okay. Whatever. There was a short vid of ME walking in the snow.

Snow is cold on my paws, but I'm tough. Mom puts boots on her, um, feet. That might make her a weenie, but don't tell her I said that. 

The west forty is full of really neat smells. Even in the snow, I know who's been in my yard. Deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, more foxes, skunks, and even a coyote. I really, really, really don't like that a coyote has been here. He's worse than the foxes. 

It's still early February, but Mom says we're going to work in the woodyard today. I'll be able to wander around, within reason, while she works. That's a good thing in little Deucie's world. 

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, rural living, trail cam, wildlife, coyote, fox, skunk, country dogs, good dogs, snow days, happy dogs, dog videos

Sunday, January 21, 2024

A snowy walkabout

 It snowed a lot! There is snow everywhere! I convinced Mom I had to have a walkabout so I could see who left tracks in my yard. Mom received my telepathic command (for once!) and off we went. We didn't stay out long because my paws got cold! 

Mom took a video so everyone can come along!

Deuce's Day, Labrador Retriever, black Lab, snow day, good dogs, country living, dog video, dog blog, happy dog

Saturday, January 20, 2024

I'm a little worried

It snowed yesterday - a lot! I didn't like going outside to do my, you know, "outside activities" because Mom didn't go with me. She told me I was a big dog and I shouldn't need someone to hold my paw when I have to pee-pee. 

That's not the point! 

I need someone to go along and tell me I'm a good boy!!!!

It snowed all day. Mom and Dad just hung out inside. The good news there is I got eggs for breakfast and a bit of spaghetti for an after-dinner snack. 

Snow can be a lot of fun, but what if Mom doesn't take me for a walk? What if she doesn't take pictures of me playing in the snow? Does being eight mean you worry more about stuff? 

I'm a little worried being eight will change things. I mean, Mom got me SENIOR dog food for some of my snackies. SENIOR!! It's crappy, too. I don't like it much. 

And then there are those chewies for my joints. Flavored my black ass! Nasty flavored is what they are. And I know Mom is going to make me eat all of them. 

We're going to be outside in the snow a lot today. Or at least Mom is. I have to be careful not to let her know my paws are cold or she'll make me go back inside with Dad. I won't like that because I need to keep an eye on her when she's on the John Deere 1023 tractor. 

Maybe I can convince Mom to do a little walk around the yard to get pictures of me and then I can go inside with Dad. We can watch Mom through the window. 

Yeah, I think that's the plan. 

I think being eight means I'm more of an independent thinker, but then again, I worry about stuff a lot more. 

Deuce's Day, black Lab, Labrador Retrievers, country dogs, snow days, rural living, a writer's life, John Deere 1023, snow removal, good dogs, 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Today is my birthday!

 I'm eight years old today, and Mom put together a collage of her favorite pictures of her best boy - ME!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

I want hazard pay!!!

It's a new year and the same old Sadie. 

Yep. Mom and Dad doggy-sat Sadie the Heathen again today. Did they consult with me first? Nooooo. They most certainly did not. 

It was pretty obvious Sadie was having a bad day. She wouldn't listen to Mom at all, and she usually does. When Mom says, "SIT," she means the dog's butt should hit the floor. I know it. Sadie knows it, too. But today Sadie ignored Mom. 

Mom tried to take her picture, but they all came out looking like a demon dog, which was accurate for today. 

Sadie followed Mom downstairs to the den, which is a big no-no. Loki's litter box is down there and it's off-limits to canines. Then Sadie made a grab for Loki's feeder, also a big no-no. It's a good thing Loki wasn't there when she did that. He's not one to mess around with when he's pissed off. 

Oops. I'm not supposed to say that. When he's annoyed. Don't mess with Loki when he's annoyed. 

Cousin Dave wasn't gone all that long, I'm happy to say. Things got back to normal after they left and I finally got my morning nap. 

I'm going to ask Mom and Dad for hazard pay. I want ten extra biscuits this evening. I'll be counting! 

Deuce's Day, black Lab, Labrador Retriever, rural living, dog sitting, hazard pay, good dogs, rainy days, dog treats, 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

We had a lot going on!

Mom was going to blog for me first thing this morning, but her computer did something really wonky. She was not happy. She got all these messages about a recovery assist and stuff - she really wasn't happy. Finally, after about two hours, the computer came back to life. Mom spent the day making sure she had all her documents, pictures, music, and videos backed up instead of being with me. 

I don't like computers. Then again, Mom made sure all the pictures of me were safe, so maybe I'll think about that a bit more. 

It seems like we get really busy sometimes. I was on guard duty a lot in December. Mom and Dad went up to Aunt Donna's and I watched the house. Twice! And Mom left me in charge when she went and had lunch with her friends a couple of times. I like being home with Dad. It's like the good old days when Mom worked. I get a lot of snackies when Mom isn't here. 

And then Dad got sick. That wasn't any fun at all. He coughed a lot and slept in his chair. And his stomach was so upset he didn't want to eat and me and Mom didn't like that. He's better now.

I got to ride along with Mom to the landfill twice, but I couldn't go with her when the pickup got an oil change. Dogs aren't allowed at the garage. Then on Christmas Eve we took a drive to see the Christmas lights. That was okay, I guess. Mom was disappointed because there wasn't very many, but I was happy I DID NOT see a blow-up Santa on a roof. That would give a good dog chills! 

Mom worked in the woodyard when the days were warm. I love being outside when she's doing that! I can sniff everything! Well, not the skunk. I hope I don't ever run into him, but I could tell a lot of deer were hanging around the woodpiles. 

I helped Mom work on two stories, too. She doesn't know it, but I really don't help. I nap on the bed where I can keep an eye on her while she works. She has this bad habit of sneaking out the sunroom door without me, so I have to be alert. I'm on to her tricks.  

Mom roasted a turkey for Christmas dinner. Yum!! I love giblets! I saw blue foil in the fridge and I know that means ham in a few days. Ham is good, too. Oh, and we had steak one night! Super yummy!!

Mom and Dad say this year is about over. I'll be eight soon. But you know what? The only time that matters is the time today, right now. So I just try to live in the moment and remember not to bite anyone, or bark in Mom or Dad's ears. I've always been pretty smart that way. 

New Year's Eve is coming and there's talk about a big ball again. Maybe it'll be better than the ball last year. That was a real bust. How's a good dog supposed to play with that thing? 

Deuce's Day, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, black Labrador Retriever, good dogs, hunting dogs, rural living, country lifestyle, a writer's life, champion blood lines, black Lab