Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It's MINE and I know it!

I'm a special boy! Mom has been making food for me for the last few months. We used to get The Farmer's Dog, but Mom said that got too expensive. I don't really know a lot about money because that's her department, but I guess $100 for two weeks worth of Deuce food must be too much.  Mom makes me a chicken dinner with real chicken thighs that only costs about a dollar a day. 

A few days ago, Mom left me ALONE at home while she went to Sam's Club. I did not like this. I never like it when I have to stay home alone, but I'm a good dog. I don't tear up the furniture or anything. I just go take a nap on the bed until she gets home. 

Mom came home with several big packs of chicken thighs, and she put them all in canning jars and processed them! And they are ALL FOR ME!!! The house smelled like chicken when she was canning all that. YUM!!! And there is broth, too! 

She said she'll open one jar at a time and make my chicken dinners. She could leave the veggies out and I'd be okay with that, but she said no. It's the best of both worlds. A little kibble to crunch and lots of chicken for protein. I can't wait until she does beef! 

Deuce's Day, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, black Labrador Retriever, country dogs, homemade dog food, chicken dinner for dogs, rural living, a writer's life, country lifestyle, good dogs

Monday, July 8, 2024

It'll never fly again!

Do you know the very best thing about retrieving a Frisbee?  Sometimes you do not have to give it back! 

Mom buys me knock-off Frisbees a dozen at a time. I love flying discs! If Mom throws them just right, and she does almost all the time, I can snatch them right out of the air. I have great eye to fangs coordination. Mom agrees. 

A few days ago, Mom had to water her garden so I went along so she could give me a quick spray to keep me cool. Then we played Frisbee for a few minutes, but it was hot so Mom wouldn't let me run too much. When she said I'd had enough exercise for such a hot day, she gave me the Frisbee and told me to "have at it."  WOOFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew what that meant!

I found a shady spot beside the garden and went to work while Mom watered all her plants. I know a good dog shouldn't boast, but that is one Frisbee that will never fly again!

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, good dogs, country lifestyle, rural living, enjoying dogs, dog toys, Frisbee, country dogs, a writer's life, dog with a blog, animal blogs

Monday, June 24, 2024

It's hot!

It's too hot to go anywhere, even to the creek! Mom is making me stay inside for most of the day. 

We go out so she can water the garden, and we go down to get the mail, but Mom says there will be no long walks until this heat wave ends. 

Wave? Where's the wave?? Isn't a wave water? I love water!! 

Hey Mom! Maybe you should take me down to the river so I can have a swim! I'd be cool if I got wet all over.

Better yet get me a new puppy pool!! You can even sit in it with me. 

Wouldn't that be fun? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I was a rebel!

Mom and I took a little stroll to see if the wildflower seeds sprouted. Some have, but Mom said there are a lot more that should sprout if the sun ever shines again. I hear ya, Mom. All this rain is making my paws feel soggy. 

Usually, I'm a good dog. If Mom says not to do something, I pay attention. But it's spring and the grass is tall and tender from the rain. It's quite tasty! 

The problem is Mom told me not to eat the grass. 

Really, Mom? 

So I just sampled a few little pieces, and don't you know she snapped a picture for evidence. 

Busted, again!

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, grass, evidence, sneaky dogs, good dogs, country dogs, rural living, country lifestyle, dog with a blog, blogs about Labs

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The chicks won't see my scar

Last Thursday was a big day. I had to go back to the vet to get my staples removed. Let me back up and say I was not pleased.

Mom tricked me again. She asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. Of course, I did! I love, love, love to go for rides. We even went through some road work and I got to bark at the flagman! How cool was that? But then Mom pulled into the vet's parking lot. Not cool at all!

The last time I was at the vet, Mom abandoned me. She handed my leash to a stranger and walked away from me. Yeah, okay, she cried when she did it so I know she felt bad, but she did it. I was really scared she would do it again even though she promised she wouldn't unless there was no other choice. 

But Mom didn't seem upset at all. We took a seat in the waiting room and I eased back between Mom's knees to keep her safe. It made me feel better, too. And Mom bent over and wrapped her arms around me. I appreciated that. 

Then the vet tech called us to go into this little room and she got on the floor beside me. She had a pair of nippers and she took out the surgery staples. I barely felt a thing! Then Mom said, "C'mon. Let's go," and I fairly dragged her to the car. I was ready to go, let me tell you! 

We got home and Mom gave me an entire Pup Peroni stick so I know I was a good dog the whole time! 

After a while, I took a look at my scar and it's impressive! If I had a girlfriend, I'd show it off, but I don't have a girlfriend. I guess it'll be mine and Mom's secret, and that's okay. 

Deuce's Day, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, black Labrador Retriever, dog surgery, dog scars, car rides, vet visits, country lifestyle, rural living, flagmen, work zones

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I wish Mom would consult ME first

Sometimes Mom makes decisions without me. I wish she wouldn't do that. Yesterday, Cousin Dave called and asked if we could watch Sadie for a couple of hours, and of course, Mom said yes.

Did she ask me first? Nooooooooooooooooo.

I was having a perfectly fine day. The sun was shining, and Mom fed me some special food she made for me. It had ground beef, beef liver, greenie beanies, carrots, and sweet potatoes all mixed together and put on top of my crunchy kibble. I liked it. I was all set for a quiet day with Mom and then Sadie happened. 

We worry about Sadie. She's a little different. The good thing is she has learned not to bat her paws at my face. I told her enough times that I don't like it and she finally got the memo. 

Mom gave her one of MY biscuits, and Sadie zeroed in on the biscuit tin. She sat there for an hour - AN HOUR!- just staring at MY biscuit tin. It didn't do any good. Mom didn't give her more.

AND THEN! Then she walked between me and Mom when I was lying beside Mom's chair. Well, I growled and the little heathen jumped over me! I did not like that so I jumped up and turned around real quick and we had a few minutes of total chaos until I realized I had prevailed and we settled down again. 

Then Loki came upstairs from the den and Sadie rushed him. Ohhhh, boy. Loki didn't like that and he hissed and swatted at her. He didn't stick around for the fight. He went back downstairs. Then Sadie sat and stared through his cat port door. I could have told her that wouldn't do any good but she didn't ask me. 

Cousin Dave finally came home and retrieved Sadie. I guess it's a good thing we watch her while he's away. It's better than her being home alone and having a seizure when no one is there to help her. 

But Mom! Next time ask me first. Please?

Deuce's Day, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, black Labrador Retriever, good dogs, country lifestyle, rural living, 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Ask me how happy I am

I'm not having any fun at all! This has been awful! No good dog like me should have to endure this!

It all started a while back when Mom noticed a bump on my left hind leg. It was tiny and Mom and Dad told me not to worry about it. But then it got bigger and Mom started to take pictures of my ass.... er...my leg. Then Dad got sick and Mom forgot about my bump. After Dad left us, Mom zeroed in on me like an A10 Warthog flying a mission. I knew that I was in trouble. 

Yesterday, we got up early and Mom suckered me by offering to take me for a ride. Yeah, Mom, I'll remember it for a long time. Early morning rides with no mention of the dump? I'll pass. She left me at the vet's office and the vet did horrible, terrible, hurtful things to me! 

I was sooooo glad to see Mom when she came to retrieve me that I forgave her everything. Home never looked so good! I forgot how bad my leg hurt and how wimpy I felt and ran inside and jumped right up on the bed. It hurt a bit, but my spot is my spot is my spot. I needed my spot. I didn't need that pain pill Mom gave me.

Never trust a vet. That pill messed with my mind. I cried and panted and shook for hours, and Mom held me the entire time. I even threw up once and she didn't scold me at all. Mom promised she wouldn't give me those pills again. I'll get baby aspirin even if they might not work as good for pain. At least they will not make me see horrible visions that aren't real. 

Mom says the worst is over now. My breathing has cleared up and I'm not wheezing. Mom said I had to clear the gas from my lungs. Ya think? Mom also says she won't do this to me again unless there is absolutely no other choice. 

I know Mom had to do it. She only wants what is best for me. She cried, too, and I'm sorry for that since Dad's not here. Dad would have made it all better.

It's time for me to be strong for Mom and get over it. My leg will heal, and in a couple of days everything will be fine. My surgery will be a thing of the past and we can get on with summer. I might even have a scar, not that anyone except me and Mom will know it's there. 

And I know Mom won't forget her promise to me. 

Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, Deuce's Day, A10 warthog, black Labrador Retriever, dog surgery, good dogs, bad vets, country lifestyle, rural living, dog with a blog

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Mom's muttering to herself again

Don't get me wrong. I like it when Mom talks to me, especially when she uses a lot of words I know. I get the gist of it and it's okay because I'm almost never in trouble when she talks to me. I'm Deuce. I'm a good dog. But Mom isn't talking - she's muttering.

Her favorite expression these days is something like "what the f*ck now!" She mutters that every time I bark to let her know a critter is in the yard, which is multiple times a day. Yesterday she even told me to shut up! I was surprised at that but I shouldn't have been. She was napping and if I'd have been paying proper attention I would have realized that. But a stray cat in MY yard? No way can I keep quiet about that! 

I suspect Mom will be muttering about all kinds of things. She's working in her garden space again. It's time to fill the buckets and growbags and it's hard work. If she does like she did last year, she won't start actually talking to me until the plants are growing. That's when she relaxes in the garden chair and I can have a lie-down beside her. Right now, I have to keep out of her way as I keep an eye on her. I'm moving around a lot. 

Being in Mom's garden with her will be pretty cool. We'll have lots of talks, but some of them might be a little sad. Dad sat in the garden with us last summer. We'll miss him doing that. 

Maybe it's okay if Mom mutters a little bit. 

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, dogs, country lifestyle, rural living, muttering, gardens, cats, life after loss, napping

Thursday, April 4, 2024

We're sad

My Dad isn't coming home. He couldn't stay with us any longer. He was just too sick and he had to go ahead of us. I'm doing my best to console Mom, but it's hard because I can't talk. All I can do is stick close to her side so she can touch me. That makes me feel good, too. 

It's really hard on Mom. Dogs understand more than people think, and we know that one day we'll be back together. I'll probably cross the bridge before Mom, which will be really, really hard but I can't help it. It's the way of things. 

Dad taught me and Mom a lot of stuff. We remember all of it, or at least I do. I guess Mom knows even more because she knew him for a long time before I was born. Dad was always kind to me. He gave me biscuits when I hadn't done a thing to earn one. I got them just for being me and that's a special kind of love. 

I'll miss Dad every day until I see him again, but I have an important job now. It's up to me to take care of Mom. I can do it because Dad taught me how. 

I'll never forget you, Daddy. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

I impressed my vet!

Mom and I have had a time of it this past month. Dad was in the hospital and poor little Deucie had to spend some time alone. I did not like this. Now Dad is in for some needed rehab and I'm still being left alone! But Mom has a plan!

Mom tries to make it up to me every evening. I get treats. I get brushed. Mom feels guilty she has to leave me alone but I know she has to keep watch over Dad to make sure he's getting what he needs. 

As luck would have it, my annual checkup was this morning. I was born in January, so my checkups happen in March. I have a new vet and I think I like her. She scratched my belly so maybe I'm in love! 

I checked out A-Okay! Ears, eyes, teeth = all good. She used a flea comb on me and didn't find a single "hitchhiker." That's because I do not have fleas. If I had fleas I couldn't sleep on the bed with Mom, so I do not have fleas! 

The vet said I weighed ninety-three pounds and then she felt my sides and was impressed by my muscles. She should be. I'm an athlete! Just ask the local deer have fast I can run. Mom told her that walking season is here so those extra three pounds will go away, but the vet said not to worry. I'm a tall country boy with lots of muscles so it's okay if I'm a bit over the breed standard weight. My vet has some common sense! She knows it's almost walking season and I'll lose those pesky winter pounds.

My new vet also signed a paper to certify I've had all my shots and I'm healthy. That piece of paper will get me in to see Dad and that's a good thing! I miss Dad and Mom says he misses me, too. So Mom will take me to see him and he'll be home before we know it. I can't wait! 

After all, Dad spoils me with more biscuits than Mom does. 

Deuce's Day, black Labrador Retriever, Lab dogs, country dogs, vet visits, rural living, good dogs, dog biscuits, breed standards, hospitals, rehabs