Monday, June 28, 2021

It was hot, but fun

It really is a good thing the cicadas have gone! Mom decided we should go for a long walk yesterday morning before it got too hot. It was a good plan, but we still waited too long. It was hot! 

Mom's been curious about what's going on back the old homestead lane, and since it was Sunday and there wasn't any construction, we went to check it out. It turns out they're making the road wider and have been cutting down trees. Mom's not too happy about the big oak trees coming down. The road could have been widened so as not to harvest them, and that's probably what is going on. Why have the county come to look at options to strengthen our little bridge if they didn't plan to haul out logs that weigh tons and tons? 

Being that it was Sunday morning, and hot, Mom didn't think we'd see people, but we did. We saw people who did not see us. You know, if you're going to walk in the woods, you need a dog to go with you so he, or she, can alert you to the presence of other people in the woods. 

Seriously - don't be oblivious in the woods. It's not a good thing. 

And another thing. If you're walking in the woods with your dog and you meet someone walking their dog, it's not okay to assume the dogs will "play." I will not play. Playing is not my job. Protecting Mom is my job so don't get all insulted when I don't play with your dog. And do not stick your stinky hand in my face. You don't know me and I don't want to know you. Just smile and keep walking. Mom and I stopped to be polite and let you pass, not make a play date for me.  Have a little respect for a guy who takes his job seriously, okay? 

It was a good walk. The pond was full of marsh grasses and we didn't see any snakes. I got to play in every creek and Mom kept her dry. 

Yep. Good walk.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Where did it go?

June 26, 2021 - reservoir demolished

Mom and I took a walk yesterday - finally! It's been like FOREVER since I got to go on a walk. Maybe not forever, but since those nasty big bugs crawled out of the ground. What a racket!! Anyway, the cicadas are about gone and Mom says it'll be a long time before we hear more than just one or two singing. She says it'll be so long until they come back I shouldn't worry about it. 

It was mid-morning before we headed out so it was getting warm. I was excited because I really like to splash around at the old reservoir... um, that was a surprise. We turned the corner and the big cinder block building was gone! The old cistern was gone! I stopped to take a good look but Mom kept right on walking like it was no big deal. 

She forgot to tell me about this. I know she did. She doesn't tell me things because I'm a little person with four paws and fur, and she doesn't think I'll understand. DOG, Mom. Not stupid. 

Anyway, it was one of my landmarks and it's gone. That means I'll have to up my pee-game in that area. It's good to leave a trail to find one's way back home. 

The creek is still there and I was soooo glad! I was already hot and it felt soooo good to get my paws wet and then hop down into the little pool I like and get my belly wet, too. Mom even got her feet wet this time. I don't see that happen often. 

Mom was a little sad to see the old springhouse and cistern demolished. The reservoir had been there all her life, even back when she was my age. But things change. It wasn't being maintained and someone could have gotten hurt if they went inside the springhouse and fell through to the cistern. 

There's still a pipe there where hikers observant enough to spot it can get a drink of really cold pure spring water. Getting a drink of spring water fresh from the source is a simple country pleasure we get to enjoy all the time. 

I hope we go for a walk again today. I'm waiting like the good dog I am and trying to send Mom a telepathic message. I'm staring at her but I'm not sure I'm getting through. Hey, Mom! Wind up this blog so we can get going. 

She heard me!

I'm Deuce and I have a superpower!

Monday, June 7, 2021

What the hell was that?????

Let's be clear about one thing - I'm a good dog. There are some things that a good dog should be entitled to, and going out to peepee undisturbed is one of them. I'm sorry when I wake up Mom at 4:00 AM because I can't wait any longer, but even then I should be able to step into the yard without getting dive-bombed by bugs. 

And not just any bug. These are big fu... oops. I'm not supposed to say that word because I'm only five. Anyway, these are big bugs. Like bigger than me! And ugly! And loud! Don't they sleep?

Well, okay. Not really bigger than me - but BIG! 

So here's what happened. I had to go so I nudged at Mom until she woke up. There's a light on the patio that comes on when I trip the sensor. I like this because, hey, in the country. Dark. How would YOU like to walk into the grass in the dark with bare paws? You wouldn't. Anyway, the light came on and BAM!! About six of these big bugs hit me! 

I did not like this.

Mom says it's because they got confused and thought they could mate with me. Um... what? 

Nooo. I'm not that kind of guy! 

I finished up and hot-footed it back through the screen to the safety of my patio. We watched them swarm all over the light until it went out. Then Mom warned me the same thing will happen every time I go out to peepee after dark until all those weird bugs have mated, laid their eggs, and died. The whole thing takes about six weeks. 

Moving to Montana sounds like a really good idea.