Monday, December 28, 2020

I saw a lot of people on our walk


Yesterday was a really sunny day, but it was cold. I didn't think Mom would want to go for much of a walk, but she surprised me! She bundled up in this long poofy coat with a hat and scarf and we headed out. We've been going back the old homestead lane lately. Mom likes it that she doesn't have to jump any creeks. She says if she'd slip off a rock, then her would be really cold. 

Mom took a few videos and then today she edited them and put them all together. Humans like to learn new things all the time. So do I if a snackie is involved, but Mom just drinks more coffee. Not my thing.

We saw a lot of people on our walk, too. It was Sunday so Mom wasn't too surprised. She had to put me on the leash three times, not because I'm bad, but because I'm sort of a big dog and people are afraid of big dogs they don't know. I get it, but I'm glad those people know I can protect Mom if necessary. 

I hoped we'd go on a long walk again today, but Mom wasted a lot of time at the computer instead. She knows I'm more fun, but what's a guy to do? We went out for a few shorter strolls to the mailbox and around, but it's not the same as a good long walk. 

The videos Mom took are down below. I think her shadow looked funny, but then she had on a funny hat!

Friday, December 25, 2020

I got a puppy for Christmas!

I got a puppy for Christmas! 

I was worried, too. When Mom said I was getting a puppy, I thought maybe she meant Sadie was coming to live with us. I don't think I'd like that. 

Sadie is too high energy, even for me! And she's so small. Mom and Dad tell me I used to be that size but I just don't remember that. Anyway...

I love my puppy! I've had teddy bears and rabbits and even a giraffe, but I don't remember having a puppy. Maybe I did. Mom might know but I don't know how to ask her.

This is better than a live puppy. Seriously. Sadie came with Cousin Dave to visit and it was ... not my finest hour. She grabbed my puppy and I did not like that. I growled a little bit - not much, I swear! But Mom noticed. 

I'm not sure I like my puppy as much as I did before SHE slobbered on it. Mom says I'll change my mind in a little while. 

Mom thinks I'll warm up to Sadie, too, when Cousins Dave and Sharon can bring Sadie along on a walk with me and Mom. We'll see. 

It's Christmas Day, and it's good our pack is together. There's going to be a ZOOM call soon with Dad's litter, and I have to remember not to bark. Mom has giblets cooking for me, too. I love giblets! I think I'd better go get ready for when Mom cuts them up. She might drop one and I'd better be there when that happens. 

So from our pack to your pack, we wish you a Merry Christmas! 

Oh, and here's a short video of Mom being silly. She knows I don't like to share my toys.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

That felt good!

It might be a cool 39F outside, but Dad cranked up the heat to a warm 75F inside. That should have been my first clue, but hey. I was napping. A guy needs naps to stay sharp. 

I should have been paying attention to Mom when she pulled Dad's chair out of the shower and put down a bunch of towels, but hey. I was still napping. Or maybe I was growling at the noise outside. I thought I heard something and needed to alert Dad. He shushed me. 

What gives, Dad? I was doing my job!

Anyway, when Mom called me I went to her only we weren't going to her office. Oh, no. She pointed into the bathroom and I knew what that meant. Puppy shampoo. 

I don't mind getting a bath even though it's not as much fun as the creek. Mom sprayed me, shampooed me, and rinsed me in about five minutes so it was pretty quick. Then she used a bunch of towels to get me dry and I like that! It feels like a massage and what's not to like about Mom giving me a rubdown? 

Well, I didn't like the part where she reamed out my dried my ears, but she had to do that. I'm pretty sure she's going to squirt that icky stuff in them, too. I'm waiting for it so I'm prepared. I've learned the quicker I sit and be still, the faster it's over and done with. I told you - I'm Deuce and I'm a good dog! 

So now I'm all clean and shiny again! And fluffy! I wonder why Mom hasn't told me I smell sweet? 

PS. That's a good picture of 'lil 'ol me. Look at my long legs! 

Monday, December 14, 2020

A long walk on December 13, 2020

dry creekbed

It was a bright, sunny day and Mom asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. 

Mom. For the record, you don't have to ask me that. I'm ALWAYS ready to go on a walk. 

Maybe I should reconsider that position. 

When Mom said "walk" I figured we'd go our usual route. I should have paid closer attention to what she and Dad were discussing instead of barking and prancing in front of the door. Bad me. Hindsight says she was explaining our route and timing to Dad in case he needed to call Cousin Dave to go look for us. 

Off we went and my first clue something was different was we turned right at the end of our lane instead of left. That was fine. I'd been down the road a few times before and I'd even been back the old homestead lane a couple of weeks ago. But Mom didn't turn off on the trail we took before. She kept going. 

We came to another trail and she kept going. Now I was looking over my shoulder at her and wondering where we were headed. We passed a third trail and came to an old, dry creek bed. Mom shook her head and told me that when she was a girl, her and a couple of friends used to have a little dam that you can sorta tell where it was, and a "swimming hole" in that creek. It wasn't very deep, but on a hot summer day it was a nice place to get wet and just hang out after riding their bikes back there. She said I would've really liked the old swimming hole. 

the old pond
After that we turned around and went back. I thought we were going home but nooooooo. Mom turned onto the last trail we'd passed and we headed up a big hill. Then she turned again and pointed to a big circle of weeds she called the old pond. 

Well, okay, it did have a tiny bit of water in it, but a pond? Nope. More like a mud puddle and when I headed for it, boy did I get hollered at! I guess that's off-limits for poor 'lil ole me. Mom did say she was surprised it had any water in it. It used to be a lot bigger and you could float a little boat on it. 

We walked past the mud puddle pond and finally headed downhill. We passed another trail and I realized where we were! We'd been up this trail a couple of weeks ago! Mom really did know where she was going!

I was getting tired by now but I knew our next stop was home. I couldn't wait to get there, get my vest off, and take a nap! 

It was a fun walk. Mom says we'll do it again when the weather is better. We can't go today because it's snowing now. Mom's right. Snow isn't the kind of wet I like. Wet paws aren't so bad, but I don't like to have a wet head. 

Unless I've ducked my head under the water in the creek. That's different. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

A trip to the vet and I think I'm insulted

Mom took me to the vet this morning at O-Dark-Thirty. I've learned that O-Dark-Thirty is really early. It comes any time before Mom's second cup of coffee. 

When Mom opened the door of my truck and said "stay," I thought she was joking at first. Turns out she wanted to get my attention so I didn't jump in before she had the door all the way open. I've done that a few times, being excited to go for a ride and all that, and it never works out well for me. Mom was right. I need to be patient and wait for her or Dad to say it's okay to jump. 


It seems that sticking my head underwater when I play in the creek is not a smart thing to do. I dived in so deep last weekend that my ear got infected. That's why Mom hauled my black arse to the vet. 

I didn't like it much, either. 

Mom couldn't go in with me and I really DID NOT LIKE THAT!!!! Then those girls picked me up and dropped me on the scales! Mom watched them through the glass door and she was not happy. They didn't even give me a chance to get myself centered and then step on the scales. 

AND THEN they said I'm fat!!! They said I need to lose two pounds! 

I don't think so. I walk every day and most days a couple of times a day. Dad takes me out every few hours and we go to the end of the lane and we play ball. Mom takes me on long walks all the time and while Mom might walk a mile and a half, or even two miles, I'm running ahead or into the woods and covering a lot more ground than her.  

My dog food says I can have up to 4.5 cups of chow a day and I don't get that much. Mom puts three cups in my bowl and I'm a good dog. I only eat when I'm hungry which means some days I don't eat much at all. Some days I don't eat any dog food. There is always food in the bowl for me when I want it (except right after I've chowed down, of course). I just know I should only eat when I'm hungry. 

I am not fat. I have MUSCLES. I'm not some pampered city dog. I run all the time. I think Dad should take those silly girls for a walk and see if they can keep up with his chair. I bet they can't, but I can. 

Mom took my picture when we got home and I'm still svelte! Okay, so it's not a great photo but look at those long legs! Look at that nipped waist! I'm simply taller and larger than the Lab breed standards, and therefore a tad heavier than the standards allow. It's not a bad thing I grew up to be a big, strong fellow. 

I'm Deuce and they insulted me. 

And to pile on another insult, Mom has to squirt smelly ointment into my ears for the next seven days. 

The moral to this story is, I'm never getting out of bed at O-Dark-Thirty on a Saturday morning again! Bad things happen if Mom doesn't get a second cup of coffee on Saturday morning.