Saturday, February 1, 2025

We got snow!

I love snow! Does Mom love snow? Not as much as me! 

The morning after it snowed, we walked out to play in it and Mom took a video. I'm the star of the little movie, you know. Yeah, yeah, Mom talks about all sorts of stuff but it's really all about ME. 

Take a look and you'll see I'm telling you the truth. King Clarence has nothing on me! 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Happy 9th Birthday to me!

Today is my ninth birthday. I'm not sure what that means, but Mom told me so it must be important. She calls me an "old man," but I still feel like a pup. Mom and I were outside yesterday, burning the brush pile, and I had a great time playing in the snow! 

Mom tried to convince me to pose for a picture, but I was having too much fun. I ran and ran and finally she'd had enough and made me go inside. I suppose I was misbehaving just a wee bit because I went down over the hill where she couldn't see me. In my defense, there was a deer hiding in the thicket. I could see it! 

I don't know if we'll do anything special for my birthday or not. It's awfully cold outside again today. And with snow everywhere, Mom says we can't take the car out. We'd have to go in the pickup. Maybe being nine is why it's not so easy to make the big jump into the back seat these days. I used to sail right up there and now...not so much. Mom made me a step but it's in the shed and the shed door is frozen shut. This cold weather ruins our fun. 

But there is some good news. Mom got PORK CHOPS out of the freezer! I bet I'm getting pork for my birthday dinner. This is a good thing. Can I have a ninth birthday again tomorrow?

Deuce's Day, Greenbrier Smokey Deuce, black Labrador Retrievers, country dogs, black Lab, love of dogs, companion dogs, snow dogs, dog birthdays, a writer's life