Monday, November 13, 2017

I do look like Jett!

Greenbrier Smokey Jett - first snow 2003
Mom was looking through some old pictures and she found one of Jett she thought she'd lost. It's of him when he saw snow for the first time. I hope Mom doesn't misplace any pictures of me. 

Hey, I remember snow! Snow was fun! And cold! But I'm older now and I can handle the cold better. 

Mom tells me secrets sometimes and she told me she didn't think she'd ever love another dog the way she did Jett, but then I came along and I'm special in my own ways. I know I have some big pawprints to fill, but I can do it.

Jett was a Lab like me. Mom says even though I look like Jett, she can tell our pictures apart. She says my soul shows in my eyes and she'll always know it's me. I guess it's a good thing to have a soul, whatever that is. Mom says Jett was a lot more laid-back and easy-going than me, not that it's a bad thing. It was just the way he was. I'm more energetic and outgoing. It makes me who I am and Mom likes that. She told me I should always be myself because that's the best way to be a happy dog. 

Maybe it would be okay if Mom misfiled a picture or two of me. That way she can be happy and think about the good times with me when she finds them. 

Greenbrier Smokey Deuce - fall 2017

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