Friday, November 24, 2017

The best thing about Thanksgiving is GIBLETS!!!!

Thanksgiving has just become my favorite holiday!

I'd heard Mom and Dad talking about Thanksgiving so I knew it had something to do with food. Lots and lots of food. I love food! I have a new favorite food! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Monday morning, Mom got the turkey she bought out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. I knew it was in there, too. Yesterday morning, Mom got the turkey out and did a bunch of stuff to it. I didn't see it all because I was napping with Dad. By the time Dad and I got up, I could really smell turkey roasting. I love the smell of roasting turkey! 

Then Mom put some broth over my breakfast and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Then she asked me if I wanted a giblet. I didn't have a clue what a giblet was, but I figured if Mom cooked it special for me it had to be good. 

Then she gave it to me and I KNEW I'd died and gone to heaven! I love giblets! Giblets are the best! I want giblets every day! I'm probably going to dream about giblets from now on!

Mom has the giblets in a little bowl. She cut them up into little pieces for me. I knew they were on the counter. I could smell them. Every time Mom got up to do something, I watched her with my X-ray vision. I see all and miss nothing. My telepathy must not be too good, though. I tried and tried to send a message to her to give me more but she put the bowl in the fridge. That was a real bummer. 

I won't give up trying to convince her to give them all to me, not until I know the bowl is empty.

I'm Deuce. I'm going to stare at Mom until she cooperates. 

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