Saturday, February 3, 2018

A quick walk on a cold day

I love Saturdays! Mom is home with Dad and me, and I get to do cool things with her. It's really fun 
to be able to play ball with her when it's not getting dark. Dad says the days are getting longer and pretty soon we'll have daylight when Mom gets home from work. 

It's been cold this winter. I hear Mom and Dad talking about it a lot. Mom has a website she checks all the time that has the daily temperatures for our area on it. She says our warmest January was back in 1932. It averaged 42.9F that month. This January isn't going to be anywhere close to that. It was zero degrees a lot! No wonder she didn't want to take me for a Saturday walk for weeks and weeks. 

Today was better. It was about 32F, or right at the freezing mark, but the wind wasn't blowing very hard. We'd have frozen solid if we'd gone outside in the wind yesterday. I made quick work of my necessary outside trips, let me tell you. I'm Deuce and I know when it's too cold to be outside on a lark.  

Mom bundled up in a coat and put on this weird hat/scarf thing on her head. The scarf part has built in pockets to keep her hands warm. Anyway, we walked along our favorite road. It goes into the state park and cars can't drive on it. Except for the park rangers but they don't bother us because we don't bother them.

I was a little disappointed, though. We got to one of my favorite spots to play in the creek and it was frozen. Mom said that meant it was too cold for little ol' me to jump in. There's a really deep hole just before the water goes into the pipe and I love, love, love to hop in. When it's warm, Mom sits on the edge and applauds my splashing efforts. We have a lot fun at that spot.

On the way home, I was bad and disobeyed Mom. I don't do that very often but I really wanted to jump in the water just once! I waited until we got to the very last spot, at Cousin Chris's dam. There wasn't any ice there and I jumped in. Mom was right. The water was freezing! I got out in a hurry, let me tell you. 

I can't wait until spring gets here! 


  1. A fun post from the dog's POV. Enjoyed it!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! Mom types it for me but I tell her what to say. I'm Deuce and I think fun is a really good thing!
