Saturday, August 31, 2019

We were busy!

We had a really busy day today. Mom was up at the butt-crack of dawn because Cousin Dave and Cousin John were on board to help her move a cabinet. Then Cousin Randy came to get a lawnmower and a string trimmer. And if that wasn't enough, Mom and Dad had to go to town for diesel fuel for the John Deere 1023, and gasoline for the riding mowers. I got to ride along! It was great!

Of course, I let Mom know I wanted to go. As soon as the truck door was opened, I was right there waiting for the okay to get in. I like to look around once I'm in the truck to see what I might have missed when my back was turned. It turns out I didn't miss a thing.

Dad drove down the old mountain road. Mom says it's a scenic drive. I'll take her word for it 'cause I didn't spot a single deer. Not a one. All I saw was a forest full of trees with the sunlight streaming through the leaves. Maybe Mom likes that but I think it's a bit boring.

Once we got to town, Mom went into a store and got a bag of sugar, some beer for Dad, and wine for herself. Then we got fuel and Dad decided he needed to backtrack to the bank machine for more cash. We got home and had lunch, and then Mom and Dad went to Lowe's without me. Can you believe that? As good as I was all morning and they made me stay home. No fair. 

After they got home I understood why I had to stay. They took Dad's scooter and there wasn't room for me. I'm a smart dog. I don't like it, but I get it. 

It's almost dark now. Mom's helping me blog and Dad's watching TV. As soon as me and Mom are finished, I'm taking a nap. I bet if I hop up on the bed, Mom will join me. 

I wonder what we're going to do tomorrow? Maybe we should rest. It'll be Sunday, after all. 

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