Friday, December 25, 2020

I got a puppy for Christmas!

I got a puppy for Christmas! 

I was worried, too. When Mom said I was getting a puppy, I thought maybe she meant Sadie was coming to live with us. I don't think I'd like that. 

Sadie is too high energy, even for me! And she's so small. Mom and Dad tell me I used to be that size but I just don't remember that. Anyway...

I love my puppy! I've had teddy bears and rabbits and even a giraffe, but I don't remember having a puppy. Maybe I did. Mom might know but I don't know how to ask her.

This is better than a live puppy. Seriously. Sadie came with Cousin Dave to visit and it was ... not my finest hour. She grabbed my puppy and I did not like that. I growled a little bit - not much, I swear! But Mom noticed. 

I'm not sure I like my puppy as much as I did before SHE slobbered on it. Mom says I'll change my mind in a little while. 

Mom thinks I'll warm up to Sadie, too, when Cousins Dave and Sharon can bring Sadie along on a walk with me and Mom. We'll see. 

It's Christmas Day, and it's good our pack is together. There's going to be a ZOOM call soon with Dad's litter, and I have to remember not to bark. Mom has giblets cooking for me, too. I love giblets! I think I'd better go get ready for when Mom cuts them up. She might drop one and I'd better be there when that happens. 

So from our pack to your pack, we wish you a Merry Christmas! 

Oh, and here's a short video of Mom being silly. She knows I don't like to share my toys.

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