To go along with my original Kong treat hider, I got a red flying disc I can't chew up or break, a big red bone I can't seem to put fang marks in, a red bouncy thingy Mom calls a hex, and a red ball (which I've let roll under something, don't tell Mom). Red seems to be my color! Mom says Kong brand is best for me because I can't destroy the toys in five minutes. It's not for lack of trying, I swear.
Christmas Eve was really cool. Dad put two really big steaks on the grill and I got bites of steak from both his and Mom's plates. I love steak! We watched the fireplace on the television. How did those puppies get inside the tv?
Then Christmas morning, things went a little sideways. Mom had to rush to the hospital because her step-father had an allergic reaction to Pradaxa. That worried me. If James isn't Mom's dad, then how can Dad be my dad? Mom says it's because I'm adopted and she's not. Didn't I tell you before people are strange?
Mom and Dad had to bring my cousin Paco to my house. This does not please me. I don't like it when Mom pets other dogs. But Mom says it's Christmas and we have to be especially nice at Christmas. We couldn't leave Paco all alone. I know she's right because Mom always is. I just need to work harder not to be jealous.
Mom and I had plans to go for a long walk in the woods on Christmas Day, but we didn't get to go. I was sad Mom wasn't even here. She said next Christmas we might run away from home so we can make sure we spend the day together. She laughed but I'm going to hold her to it.
Being with Mom and Dad is the best Christmas present I could ever have! But do I really have to wait an entire year for more toys?
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